Exactly Who Is IBEW Local 1574? First and foremost it is our collective membership from Dease Lake, British Columbia to Grise Ford, Nunavut to Fort Smith, Northwest Territories and all points in between. In order to represent the rights and needs of membership, administrative staff, elected leadership and appointed IBEW shop stewards are necessary. It doesn’t just take a village to raise up and protect our social and economic citizenry, it takes a union.

Tracey Dupont L.U 1574 Business Manager & Financial Secretary
Sean Girhiny, L.U. 1574 President

Patrick Salem, L.U. 1574 Vice President

Warren Mpofu, L.U. 1574 Secretary-Treasurer
Brett Chandler, L.U. 1574 Recording Secretary

Matthew Faulks, Shop Steward, Iqaluit

Arsal Kamran, Shop Steward, Yellowknife

Nicole Whitford, Shop Steward, Yellowknife

Sean Lewis, Shop Steward, Whitehorse

Warren Mpofu, Shop Steward, Whitehorse

Tricia Stevenson, Shop Steward, Whitehorse

Stephen Tucker, Shop Steward Iqaluit

Lee Stevens, Shop Steward, Whitehorse
When IBEW International came to town….
BC & Yukon International Representative Adam Van Steinburg is seen here (far right) swearing in IBEW 1574 L.U. Officers (L to R) Vice President Patrick Salem, Business Manager Tracey Dupont, President Sean Girhiny and Treasurer Warren Mpofu for the 2023-2026 term of office. Pictured at back is IBEW’s Professional and Industrial Organizing Coordinator for Western Canada, David Priest.